Friday, July 3, 2009

India-Home for Homosexuals

The High Court on Thursday gave a historic judgment by making amendments in the 149 yrs old law by declaring gay sex legal. In the courtroom there was almost unanimous psychiatric and medical view that homosexuality is not a disease or a disorder but is just an another expression of human sexuality. People are out on the roads celebrating it as an historic event. What Rubbish? Are they no social values? Isn't sex between social partners a Sin? There are people who have started asking Are gays not part of Gods Creation? The answer is a Big NO!! God did not create Gays. Its nothing but man's sinful nature.

Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:9,Homosexual will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Here Paul not just mentions about Homosexuals but about sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, thieves, greedy, drunkard, slanderers,swindlers. All these will never inherit the Kingdom of God. Homosexuality is a lust forbidden by God. He said to people of Israel as written in Leviticus 18.22-Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman it is detestable ( NIV version). If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads (Leviticus 20:13)

Yesterday, as i was watching TV i stopped at a discussion where gays were talking about their experiences. One of them with a very girlish accent and body language ( i think these are the best signs to find out if one is a gay) was confessing that He got attracted to a man who was married, not to a gay but a woman. First thing, Isn't the married man cheating ( If the married man was a gay then why did he marry). Ain't they just been emotional fools. Rev. Tony Charanghat, said, ‘‘While homosexuals have to be treated with respect, homosexuality can’t be equated with heterosexuality. The nature of sex should be complementary to life, which is God’s design.’’ seeing this i was
inquisitive to know more about how they behave and what works in their mind. I watched other gays vent out about not been able to speak about till this law was passed. I think this has become an important issue that we should ponder on. If today we pass a law for homosexuality then tomorrow who knows we will have to bend down to agree on other social issues. It seems Gays also seek for love, respect, company of somebody they are comfortable at, difference lies that it will be the same sex. Funny it is i must say!!!.. I am sure almost all of us would not have wished for this law to be passed but we hate to say that publicly..ohh now its like a style statement. Day 1 on, am sure we surely would get to see many open nuisances from dating in Parks, beaches, movie halls to maybe gay employer-employee relationships. During the show some other gay men who understand and wished they were not this way said that they were from small town where they did not get to speak to girls or be with them so they have always been in company with guys which would have possibly led to an attraction. i too believe so....

Homosexuality, cannot be called a disorder or disease but surely psychiatric and religious counseling will get them back to track ( i know my whole blog is a bit blunt but am seriously mystified with this gay stuff ......whats happening people...where are we leading) If things move this way one day THE GENERATION NEXT will ask IF THERE IS ANY GOD?? Lets not face this.

We need to understand God's Purpose of creating us.God created us:

1) Glorify and Love God- In order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory (Ephesians 1:12)
2) To rule the World
3) To have fellowship with God
4) To replenish and fill the Earth
5) To testify about the Kingdom of God

If we rule out on any, then we are walking away from the Purpose of God and falling into temptations ( one of which is homosexuality) and sin. One of Gods important purpose is to replenish and fill the Earth and can anybody make me understand how will Homosexuality fulfill pt 4? Ohhh i must appreciate this for one reason, if all of us were homosexuals, we will have a good control on the population...hehehe!!. I was reading the other day about Gay Marriages and adoption of children in foreign countries ( and now copied into our culture). I was thinking terminologies like Husband, Wife, grand children ( children might be acceptable as they are practicing adoption) stand false for them. Who
is the husband of whom or who is who's wife?? uffffff....whom will the child call Daddy or Mummy. If they have an answer to it then WE are fools to call ours as PARENTS

As we hear and see many things all i can say is its time we should PRAY FOR INDIA.

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